
Top 5 animes we recommand for beginners

These are our top 5 animes we would recommand to somebody that has never watched a anime and would like to get started on their journey with watching anime so here's a little guide to get started.

Attack on titan


This show is very explicit and shows alot of graphic but it's a good one overall so It's basically about this young boy avenging the death of his mother from these horrific creatures called titans that came crashing down the walls of a little village for humans to live in and ever since then he vows to get rid of all titans with the help of his team and his closest friends being with him through every step of the way and knowing that they got each other back through anything.

My Hero Acadamia


this show is one of my favorites because he had a goal in mind to become one of the biggest heroes of all time and he trained his butt off to become stronger day by day and it really showed that if you serious about something you would go for it no matter the cost of anything, the ball is in your hands so you decide what you gonna do it with the end of the day.



This is an anime about a young ninja who seeks value ans recognition from his peers he has showed that you can do anything that you wanna do just believe in yourself

Demon Slayer


I loved this show from the start of it because of it's message behind of it all, It's about this special boy who trained to become a demon hunter because his whole family gotten killed because of demons invaded their place of peace and out of everyone that died, his sister was the only one that came out alive but she turned out as a demon herself so then he went on a quest to find a way to get his sister to go back to a human being and the reason why i really loved this show is because if you really care about somebody you go through alot to protect them at all costs and making sure that they're safe no matter what.

One Punch man


I relley enjoyed this anime from beginning to end because of the Excitement through out It's about a super hero who has become bored in his life be cause of the lack of a challenge from his day to day life.

The Ultimate Question